Evan Brooks-02
A202 Building From The Ground Up
Ron Rael
This studio investiated the poetics of the materially rich endeavor of designing a
house made for a client with a stong relationship or affi nity to dust: a house for
a salero in the salt falts of Bolivia, a North Carolina BBQ Pitman who produces
ash from the smoking of whole hogs, a house for a thresher, mad of chaff. The
selection of a speculative client will be made through careful research of place,
occupation and material. Futher research took place which provoked students
to reorganize particulate matter through a clear process and workfl ow to
produce forms, formwork, objects and models, drawings, and animations that
demonstrate capacity to transform materials from raw source to a highly crafted
and designed artifact and to celebrate the reemergence of dust in architecture.